XInterview withDave/ex. FreezersX__Czestochowa, Poland. A mild afternoon surrounds us like an early precursor of
the upcoming spring. Dave and I sit on a bench, we watch the children play
football in the park and hear their cries and laughter like a distant
background melody while sunbeams tickle our noses.__Many of you have literally heard of him; after all the polish sound-wizard
composed the music in releases like "Wit Premium" or "Hazchemix", just
to name a few. Insomnia offers you an insight into the thoughts of this
scener and his weird way of making music.
So here we go with the questions...- Hi Dave, please introduce yourself to us: Your real name, your age, your
job/studies and the place where you live.."Hello readers, I'm Dave.. just Dave. My real name is Dawid Nabialek. I'm 20
and I'm Polish. I live in a town called Czestochowa (there is a town where we
always celebrate 'Rush Hours' computer-parties). I'm study to Economy, but I
relay hate this... :) I'm also working in a firm, where I'm making some
desktop publishing and doing commercials (Corel Draw, PageMaker), for
commercial- magazine called 'Posrednik'.. I think that this job is really
fine.. :)On the beginning I'd like to sorry all of us for my English language which
isn't so perfect... I hope you'll understand me. :)[Notice from the staff: We did not try to "correct" Dave's English as it is
understandable enough. Instead we leave things as they are and give you the
most natural, unmanipulated impression possible.]- Interesting.. And how did you get in contact with scene? We'd like to know
your history: Which where your first groups, how did you discover your music
style, when did you buy your first Amiga, etc..?"Well, so it was on the end of 1993, when I saw 'Technological Dead',
'Prosiak', 'Desert Dreams' and other demos on my new toy Amiga 500 (hehe).Before, I had little 8-bit Atari with really big equipment, and I also start
with my friends to scene on this computer, and I really think we were the
pioneers on this little machine! :) It's funny, but it's a fact.Ok, let's back to my beginning in Amiga scene. Then I started to go to a
parties. It was great experience.. On the beginning of 1994 I started to
sceneing. I had joined to really new group Vacuum, which was founded by my good
friend Bartman. By the way: There was two Bartman's then - this(Bartman and
Bartman/Abyss, now is just only one, because that great man has died in July
1997. It's terrible... Ok.. The Vacuum group had been grew up, new people had
joined (for example very good coder Yoghurt, which now is in a very famous PC
group PULSE). In fact, Vacuum was really medium group in Poland, but we really
had many friends and overall people liked us. :) The group had a contact with
scene, because I started to swapping. I think, I was very active, and had many)contacts - in a time of one year over 100 mail contacts. But in fact, I was
always interested in music making. My friend Bartman showed me how to really
use ProTracker and then I was trying to make some noise. In a middle of 1996
I joined Freezers - the most famous group in Poland then. After Sputnik
left us, I was an organizer together with Immortal. Now - I think it was pure
nonsense. The new polish group was founded - for example Floppy or Anadune..
Freezers became quite poor group. So I've decided to left this group... I
don't know why... then I had joined Amnesty - quite unknown group, but relay
active and they have very good coder (for example 'Hazchemix'). I've dropped
swapping in 1996, because I had no more free time for making music. I decided
to be a musician only. After Rush Hours party, on the beginning of 1997 I've
left Amnesty to be independent and still have no group. In 1997 I miss some
scene feelings.. a lot of unnecessary people, who made our scene lame and many
other things.. but I think I'm still on 'scene'.. I relay like to watch some
cool demos, still making modules, still going to a parties (I was on more than
But I'm not in a group, because I'd like to be active in a group. The people
who DO nothing are just existing and this is a stupid for me. Better is to be
an independent, have no group, than make shit and be in a best group just for
being... it's simple. Maybe, some day, if I meet a good coder, which will
really like my music and make it useful for his productions I'll join a group
again.Well, I forgot something.. :) On the beginning of 1997 I had sold my Amiga
to buy a PC. I needed to have better equipment for making modules and I think
PC + 16bit sound card is relay worth buying equipment for scene musician..
Anyway I associate with both Amiga and PC scene. If YOU, dear read of this
Amiga diskmag think I'm lame or something I piss you.. you are stupid. I'm
into scene because of PEOPLE, not MACHINE."- Surely a question one can discuss endless nights about. Is there an Amiga
spirit connected to the Amiga machine? Is the Amiga spirit different from
PC spirit? .., etc, etc. But as the space for this interview is limited
somehow and musicians naturally want a better sound equipment than 4
channels nowadays, I come to the next point:
Do you also enjoy going to Clubs in your town or are you performing as a
real Club DJ?"I don't think so... In 1996 and 1997 I was 'little' DJ (in our local disco
and techno pub), then I started to be an 'ambient DJ'. It sounds very stupid,
but I've just played in chill-out rooms easy music (ambient, drum'n'bass,
acid-jazz). But in fact I can say, that I didn't feel like a real DJ... Of course
I've been meeting many techno-parties and still... Of course I enjoy going to
club, meet my friends, drink some beers or smoke some weed in nice atmosphere."- Welcome in the club of weed-lovers.. ;)
What is it that fascinates you when thinking of the scene? What was your
motive to join our world?"I don't know... It was something new, something interesting. I always liked to
meet people, also that music making, contacts with other people who are
interested in similar things like me.. also going for parties. Polish party =
GREAT party. :)"- Do you think demos are art?"Yes, I do. For many people, who aren't into scene they are real art and it's afact... I like demos
for their atmosphere, design, original graphics and
effects and of course music, I like also some funny, crazy or stupid demos,
who makes me laugh... But there is also a tons of shits, pseudo-demos or
intros which are made just for making. It's stupid.I can add, that sometimes I organize in my house parties and together with my
non-scene friends watch to some demos and have cool atmosphere.- What do you think about the current state of our scene? Is there a
stagnation? Are we only copying from PCs without inventing on our own?
Does the scene have any future? Do you think the Amiga will celebrate a
comeback once?"It's hard to say. Nowadays we have millions of new group, which are only
existing and making our scene worse.. perhaps not all, but it is my state of
this... About copying from PC - please back to 1995-96, when the scene on PC
looked like Amiga scene on 1990. It's just because PC is faster machine and
perhaps some people (I mean coders) prefer doing demos on this machine...
Another fact are computer parties - can say, that this is not the same
like some years ago.. About future of Amiga - as a computer: I think that is
about dying, and as a scene: it's only depends on people, but I think scene
never dies, because there is a lot of total Amiga-Freaks, who make the scene
still alive."- There are also other musicians who do your kind of music. Are there some you
appreciate and respect? Is there a music style in scene you dislike?"Yes, it's true. My favorite scene musician is my best scene friend REVISQ
(Floppy, Anadune, Nah-Kolor, Mosaic, etc...). We can relay understand
together yourself and we have very similar likes and dislikes concerning music,not only
computer scene music. There are also more musicians, I can think my
favorite and respected. I like DUNE for his wonderful atmosphere in music,
great technique and experimental sounds and also JORMAS guys, for
techno-parties feelings in their modules, and modules from Mortimer Twang,
Supernao, Substance, Yolk&Legend duo, Groo and many other musicians.. We have
a lot of talented and unknown musicians on scene... About dislikes in scene
music - I hate all stuff from XTD/Mystic.. his modules makes me a headache.
Maybe, someone is dreaming about his beauty and easy melody lines or his
experienced technique, but in fact I think he is a dark about normal music,
not computer music and he have no ideas about trying to making some
original-sounds modules...I can add also that my favorite music styles are ambient and all sort of
experimental music, hard-house, detroit
and minimal techno, drum'n'bass also some good goa trance stuff."- Which music do you think fits best into a cool demo?"It depends what will be this demo. I couldn't write detroit-house to a demo
with slow scenes, environment, birds, and very easy atmosphere."- Striking argument. Do you want to do something with music later on in real
life?"I'm planning to make real music with some equipment I set up. Now I have
only Roland MC-303, really good synth for techno music, but I hope that soon my
sound equipment will grow up. :) About releasing or something about it - here
in Poland without an extends or good knowledge you have no chance to release
something on good (or just normal) conditions EVEN you make relay good music."- So let's hope the best for the future. Do you plan to join a group or do you
.prefer to stay independent?"I wrote about this some questions before. If I find a group when I'll be
useful I'll team up... Now, I'm just independent and it suit me."- Thanks very much for answering the questions. We wish you a bright future
in scene as well as in your real life."Thanks, no problem. I wish the best for your unique mag! Yours, Dawid Nabialek :)"[Additional note: Shortly after this interview we found out that Dave joined
Haujobb. Thus he is not independent anymore.]Xby Bytebreaker (c) Insomnia'98